Electro Crystal Scanning
I use a scanner to measure the fluctuations in your energy field, then confirm results with a computer imaging system which displays your personal energy field in real time. I analyze these images and explain where your energy is not circulating properly and if there are leaks in your energetic system. Acupuncture meridians, energy centers (chakras) and misfortunes of the body are usually clearly visible. Color, movement, size, location, patterns of the charkas reveal the extent of their function. The energy field surrounding your body is visible and with interpretation gives you valuable information on your state of body, mind and soul. The next step is your 2.0 hour treatment session during which crystals and gemstones are electrically pulsed to restore a correcting resonance within your energy field. Harry Oldfield of England developed this method of balancing the human energy field with sound, crystal and electro-magnetic energy. By blending ancient technology with modern computers and digital imagery he has found a method to stimulate your higher capabilities and tune up your personal frequency!