Saturday, July 27th, 2024


Welcome to my Testimonials page!

I’ve been blessed with many wonderful comments and testimonials over the years.  My clients are so kind and thoughtful by sharing their feelings with me.   I love each and every one that I have received, and am grateful for the many kind words.

There is a lot to read here, so take your time browsing.   My apologies to those whose testimonies I have not been able to include.  If you are wondering about the two different names – go to my “Who is Merope?” page and you will see an explanation of my name change.

If you would like to add your comments,  please email to me and I will publish yours as well.  Thank You in advance.

Blessings and Keep on Shining!



5/24/2013  Hi Merope,  I was wondering if we could do another test on my son, ??????????.  I have noticed his skin clearing up, and he is doing somewhat better with his bowel movements with potty training!!! 🙂  Let me know what day works best for you.  Thanks again, Mary-Ann

On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 2:46 PM, Merope <[email protected]> wrote:  Hello Mary-Ann:  Isn’t that terrific news – good for !!!!  Encourage him and let him know how healthy and well he is. Remind him that his body knows exactly what to do to keep him that way!  Please continue to keep track of what is happening with him.  So you remember the difference please write down his progress.  May 31 will mark two weeks since his first treatment.  On that day at 10:00  am – I will once again run the allergy programs.  Two hours at $70.00 perhour.  You still have my address of where to send payment. Please confirm with via email or telephone if I should still proceed.
Thanks from Merope


March 18, 2009  Hi Merope, I have been meaning to get in contact with you for quite a while. My apologies for the delay!  I would like to thank you for taking the time to speak with me regarding my dream!  I still don’t have the whole picture but I’m sure all will be revealed in due time.   I had a call from the ??????? group the same day I spoke to you…which I must say…I was not totally surprised.  I might add..that a week after I called you out-of-the-blue and spoke with you…someone called me….out-of-the-blue to share information.  Thank you again and have a wonderful day!  Blessings,  Carol


Oct 2, 2011

Dear Merope,  This sounds phenomenal — I can hardly believe that you are able to include all 12 components of the therapy into a single package session.  I am actually looking for a good bodyworker in the San Francisco Bay area, but your location in Alberta, Canada is a bit far (know any good bodyworkers in the Bay area?).

 I had inquired with you about crystal light technology when I was living in India, and since we last corresponded, I moved from India to northern California.  Now I am pursuing a Native American vision quest, building my holistic financial consulting practice, developing a gift ecommerce business, and doing other joyful things like dance and martial arts.  A re-emergence into the material world!  I wish you abundant success with your practice.  If I hear of anyone who makes their way to Alberta, I will keep you in mind to mention to them.  Til then, be well.  Kind regards,  Matthew


Sept 14, 2011

Anyway got  complement this morning that I looked happier, and brighter, my eyes weren’t so dark so that was really good. I didn’t sleep that well, didn’t get much time to relax when I got home, but that’s ok.  I feel pretty good, although it’s a little different looking at self and not seeing those big dark circles.  My hair took a shit kicking lol .

Thanks!  That has set me free.  Betty


Sept 28, 2011

Oh Merope, thank you for your concern. All is well – well you know life stuff. When I get my bearings I would love to catch up with you, thanks again, I am so grateful there are people like you in this world.�
Hugs, Peggy


April 24, 2012

Hey there Merope.  Wanted to tell you that I really like the book you gave to me last week. I’ll bring it back today, but I’m going to get me one while I’m in town. The concepts seem to be a natural progression to what I was already doing, yet different – I like it!In my game I really enjoy our visits, the BioResonance treatments, and going for supper afterwards. Maybe my BioResonance time lets me escape from my Persona and go completely in to Consciousness – who knows, ‘cause I’m a ‘gonner’ when I’m doing it.  I don’t really care about the ‘how’s’ or ‘why’s’ as long as it feels good, and, I seem to be on the right track ‘cause I’m feeling better day by day!  I want to show my appreciation by giving you another $800.00 today so I can continue playing this part of my game on a weekly basis.

Looking forward to seeing you at 1:00.  Lorraine


Dec, 5, 2009      You know, you are the first person that has responded from the heart and said ‘real’ things to me.   In addition to that — you finished off with a positive note!!!!!!  I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, No matter how many miles, or how may days we are apart – our connection is still the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  May our journey together, which ever way we go, keep us the best of friends.  I know that you will ALWAYS be in my heart!  Lorraine

After New Year 2008, I started feeling very bad. The symptoms were fatigue & physical weakness. Sometime towards the end of March 2008, I collapsed in the washroom at my work, while suffering from enormous pain in my low back. A few moments after, I got up on my own, and with slightly bent back, I went back to my office. My pain developed more and more in time. At the end of April 2008, I had a problem with sleeping on my back. I could lie down on my back, however, it was impossible for me to get up on my own; I then needed someone to help me. At the time, my wife was helping. (I did not interrupt my work and continued working as if nothing happened) My suffering was increasing day by day, and it reached the point at which it was difficult to concentrate at work.

On 13-Aug-2008, I went for MRI of my low back to Mayfair Radiology Center. The results of my MRI testing were clear – my two vertebrae of my low back collapsed and two other ones were attacked by cancer. Same day, I went to Beddington Walk-in Clinic in Calgary, where Dr. Young immediately wrote his recommendation to my reporting to Emergency at Foothills Hospital in Calgary. My wife drove me to the Hospital the following day (14-Aug-2008). 24 hours later, I was transferred from Emergency to regular Hospital care room.

Read the entire testimonial here
Dear Merope, Merope’s extensive background combined with continuous learning and practice makes her one of the most effective holistic practitioners around.

R.C., Calgary, AB


I have known Merope since the early 1990’s as an excellent therapist.  Her dream to help is indeed put in to reality by her.  She is knowledgeable and constantly added to her skills in many fields of non-invasive therapies:  massage therapy, cranio-sacral, bioresonance, energy work.  Through dowsing and computer led analysis, she individualizes the programme for each of her clients.  You could not be in better hands.

Rosemary E.



Hi Merope:  How are things going?  Are you still in your old place or did you move?  I have to tell you once again that your massages are amazing.  What do you think about doing a day in Lethbridge?  I have told allot of people about you and they are would love your services.  I guess if it isn’t possible and the weather is good we could all come up to where ever you are.  Have a Happy Easter.  Cory


2/21/2008           Hi:  Thank you for your wonderful treatment and  your patience.  I learned allot more than I had anticipated.  One – was with the music  Two – Human behavior –  I am usually very strong in what I need & I don’t need,  what that wishy washy thinking was all about was insane.  Make a decision and go with it, that wasting of time was ridiculous.  Any ways I do believe you do the best massage around.  So thank you once again.  Cory


Jan 2008

Hi  Merope, what a pleasure to get back in touch with you.  How happy I am that I was able to trace you through the internet.  Can’t wait for my appointment next week!  And I can’t wait to purchase my mud baths again!


Dear Merope:

It’s taken way to long to speak to the benefits of the treatments which I have received from you over the years starting at Kananaskis.  Your treatments have aided in keeping me working over the years.  It never ceases to amaze me on your ability as a massage therapist and the different modalities that you have expanded your abilities with over the years. You’ve been there for me through many down turns and resurfaces, and returned me to a productive part of the construction labour force in the province.
Wishing You the Very best in 2008                Bob


Hi Merope,

Merope, both Thea and I are intrigued by the sound work you are doing and would like to hear more. With this connective email, I trust the two of you can now communicate effectively and share your ideas, feelings and insights.    Best wishes to you both,           Deborah


Hi Deborah, Thank you again for your work sponsoring the workshop. Merope left early, and I had hoped to hear more about the sound healing machine that she uses in Calgary. Would you give me an email address? I know it is asking a lot, so maybe you could forward this note on to her and she can decide if she wants me to know her contact info.  Lots of love, Thea


Merope has massaged messages into my brain cells making me believe that she is the only professional massage therapist around. I have received spa gift certificates and have also had a few emergency massages, however, it’s a waste of money because it only feels like a light back rub.
Lee B.


Dear Merope,

The gold unity harmonizer arrived yesterday afternoon.  I put it on and immediately felt a double-fist-sized “swollen lump” in the thymus area, along with tingling in the crown and third eye chakras.  This did not surprise me since I knew the thymus chakra had opened up some weeks earlier and was still open, because since then I’ve had to cover it often with my hands crossed over it.

The thymus “lump” went away over the course of a several hours.  I was dizzy at times.  And I became uncharacteristically hungry for all the hours of the day and evening.  And then I became uncharacteristically sleepy.

Today I have worn it all day.  Tonight I encountered negative energy released from someone who’d been out visiting and drinking with friends.  Normally I would have received anger and long tirades and been pained by it all,  but instead I was peaceful.  Despite hours of many words being said to me, I have been able to stand, face with an open loving heart, and rise up over it all, even though it is not my preference to experience this.  I found myself able to pass by in silence, turning my attention to good things, and feeling a loving peace.  The unity harmonizer has supported my intention and my inner work to maintain harmonious feelings.
Thank you for directing me to it.   Best regards,    Margaret


Hi Merope,

Welcome back to Alberta, I understand you have been moving around a great deal lately.  I sure hope you settle in for a while.  We could use your talents around here to help people evolve comfortably.  These are exciting times.  Things have been happening very slowly for so long & I feel very strongly that for those who are ready, there is a great leap of change arriving in 2012.

My ‘star’ friends/animals have been visiting & I have captures a few on film.  It would be wonderful if you & I could go on a photo shoot some day.  It has to be in nature & when the weather is warmer & when the sun is setting.  They prefer to be near water so we need to keep that in mind also.  Then we can see who decides to show up.  I am home until March 1st recovering very well from surgery so call me & visit anytime.  Let’s hope for a Chinook soon!  Hugs,  Lucille

Merope:  I am in the position of having to thank you very much for a great solution to a health problem, which I would have probably had for a few years to come.  So…again… Thank you very much for the valuable help. All is good.

Michael B.


Dear Lenore,

Just a wee note to thank you again for such a wonderful day — the best way I think I’ve ever spent a birthday!  A few questions if you have time:

1.  Can I get the name of the CD’s and where you bought them — the chanting one you played during the reflexology treatment and the crystal bowl chimes played during the facial.  I would really like to use them during meditations.

2.  I found Janet’s ad and if you could give me the list of “disharmonies” your machine found, I would like her to see the areas of concern you mentioned.

I had a very emotional day on Saturday, which I fully expected because I knew you released a lot of areas during the reflexology.  And today I feel very energized and positive about goal-setting and things.  And I had the courage to attend the exercise class the pool this morning.  I just wanted you to know the positive effects of your hard work!!

Wishing you every success in all you endeavors, Lenore.  It was lovely to meet you.

Gratefully,  Linda G.

April 16, 2004             To whom it may concern:

I have had a severe case of Chronic Fatigue since July 2000. I have searched and tried many, many avenues.

· Homeopathic Doctor
· Herbalist
· Acupuncture
· Chiropractor
· Massage therapist
· Food supplements
· Therapists
· Dental surgeons
· Vitamin therapy

The above are some of the areas I have tried.

When I was searching for a massage therapist I knew I needed a person who did not JUST massage my body, but was able to go deeper into my body with more awareness and depth.

I found Lenore‘s advertisement in Synchronicity Magazine and something kept calling me to her ad. Finally, I called and made an appointment.

After the first treatment I knew I had found someone special. The work Lenore did on me reached deep into my body. The first treatment was an awakening and every subsequent treatment my body has responded. My energy levels have reached a new high and the stiffness of my whole body has left. I continue to seek treatment from Lenore and am eternally grateful to have found her.

I highly recommend Lenore to anyone who is seeking help with any aspect of his or her body. Her treatments go above and beyond mere massage!!

Sincerely, M.J.
Dear Lenore,

Today is my 52nd birthday and I can not think of anything I would rather have than a visit to see you.  Please know that even though I have not contacted you , I think of you so often and I am so grateful that you were such an important part of my last months in Calgary. I felt such a void when I moved because you had become so special to me. I honestly know that I could have never made it through those last 7 months had it not been for you.

Hope you are well and that your move to Calgary has been a positive one.  I hope to be in Calgary within the next four months and would love to have several sessions with you.  I hope you know how much you have meant to me. Take good care!

Best regards to you with good thoughts and heartfelt feeling,

Jane                             Bellingham WA
Dear Lenore;

Thank you for the special times that you spent with my sister and the hours of companionship you extended to her and made her journey through life one of special meaning for her and for myself.   Thanking you for your hospitality and kindness.

Yours truly,                  Yvonne
Dear Lenore –

My sessions with you are always powerful and moving. But my time with you today was profound in a way that I can’t quite put words to – I am so grateful for your deep wisdom and your intuitive wisdom. The shiatsu (in combination with all the other healing modalities you integrated) was incredible – and, as I continue to sweat away (even AFTER a mud bath!!), I am realizing that today’s treatment was a very important one.

“What can I give thee back, who has brough the gold of thine heart” (Elizabeth Barrett Browning)

Hopefully, you can read between the lines of my ramblings and see the profound gratitude and respect that lies therein!

See you next Wednesday                              Love Jenn
Just to let you know:

I feel amazing – no mercury, beautiful skin, still working on the weight, not working, yet..but I think that’s about to change – talk about a long haul!  Mr. G. is amazing as usual Lenore – I’ve seen MS turn around, watched people’s live change, you name it, it is quite a miracle.  I’ve been doing a little work for him trying to find some scientists to test his body and making some progress in that arena.  Who would have realize you

were the chief instigator 🙂 !   Wanda…..
Hi Lenore!

I am writing for several reasons – the first of which being to THANK YOU profusely for alleviating my pain. Since I saw you (must be at least 3 weeks ago) for my hot stone massage and facial, I have felt GREAT. My horrible and incessant headache went away by the next day…and it has come and gone only fleetingly since!! I can’t thank you enough for that gift of wellness – it really has been profound. I have been away in California for the past 2 weeks (which also has contributed to my wellness!) and will be home this weekend. I am wondering if I might be able to set up 10 sessions of ozone-oxygen therapy with you (I think you said there was some sort of deal if you purchase 10) – and I am hoping I could start right away next week. I have a frantically crazy schedule for the next few weeks, after being away so long, but something tells me that this is something that I really need to do – so, I’m listening, and hoping that we can somehow fit some sessions in amidst all the other chaos. I would like to do 5 right in a row (I can’t remember if you said that that is every other day or every day…) and really hoping that I might be able to start on Monday, Dec 8th. Do you have any time around 3:30 or 4? and/or Tuesday after 12:30? and/or Wednesday after 12? and/or Thursday morning? and/or Friday anytime before 1? I thought I would start with that week and hopefully get several sessions in before Christmas crazyness kicks in. You may already be booked, but I just thought I’d give it a try. I can reached by email until Saturday morning, and after that I’ll be in transit, and home by Sunday. If any/all/some of these times might work for sessions, I’d be so grateful. I’m thinking it is about 30min – 45 min. per treatment. Is that about right?

Thanks Lenore – and thank you especially for taking away my pain and reminding what it is like to feel WELL!!!                      Hope you are well,            Jenn
Hi Lenore!

Jolene forwarded your message on to me.  My name is Kathleen and I am hosting this workshop.  I just looked at your website and was so impressed!  All of these treatments you offer would make an amazing book!  One treatment per chapter.

1.  List the treatment

2.  Explain the treatment

3.  Give examples of why someone would want/need these treatments.

What a great marketing tool that would be for your Spa!

Reading a book that tells me everything I need to know THEN in the back of it telling me where I can go to get these treatments would be awesome.

Sorry 🙂  I can’t help it— it is in me to create new books.  I know this one wouldn’t take any time at all to write.  People would eat it up, and so would the media!

Anyway 🙂  I will definitely give you a shout next year if we do another “How To” workshop in your area.            Thank you for getting back to us.

If there is anything I can do for you in the mean time, please don’t hesitate to give me an email.                 Blessings,            Kathleen M.

Dear Lenore:

I was so glad to reach you today.  When I met you and received your “Energy Medicine” treatment several years ago, I was a dramatically wonderful experience.  I felt calm and wonderful – the feeling lasted for months – long after my sea essence was gone.  I am enclosing my ‘samples’ as you requested and look forward to receiving a new reading. Please send me as many essences as you believe I can benefit from at one time.  Thanks for your help!  Frannie – Fallbrook, California
June 22, 1999

Dear Lenore:  Thank you so very very much for the time and caring you gave to the one and only angel I know on earth, my Mother.  Marianne
Hi Lenore.

I hope you had a wonderful trip to Jamaica and have settled back in.

Wondering what you are up to?  Have you set up a new shop?  Please send me all the details.  My son T, he’s 16, has been suffering with a recurring neck injury and I’m wondering if the energy work you were getting into might be helpful.

Sandy H.
Hi Lenore,

I was wondering if you would be able to mail me a current brochure of the services you offer at the Meadows day spa. I have talked to you a few times over the years at the Calgary Health Expo and have been meaning to come see you. I am interested in treating myself to a spa day in the near future (my 30th birthday is coming up in a few weeks). I am actually a registered massage therapist and esthetician myself. Hope to hear from you soon:-)  My address is  Calgary, Alberta    Thank-you    Kelly G.
Hi Lenore:

I saw your name and read about your spa on line at the rising women site.

My name is L.  and I would really like an opportunity to talk to you if you would be interested.  I am a mature woman who decided that she needed a change in her career and I decided that I have always been interested in making people feel good about them selves so with the encouragement of my hairdresser decided to take an esthetics course.  I loved the course and totally enjoy working with the clientele. I have been working out of my home, however I really would like to own my own salon/spa but I know that I have a lot to learn still.  A friend and I have an opportunity to buy a salon/spa in Cochrane but since neither of us has owned a business before only managed other people’s business’s there are a lot of questions about buying this type of business that I don’t know.  I was wondering if you might be interested in allowing me to come and talk to you at your spa (which by the way sounds absolutely fantastic and I will have to make some time and come and enjoy one of your services in the near future) and ask you some questions about owning your own spa in a small community.  I know your time is extremely valuable, so I don’t want to take up to much of your time.

I guess what I really need is an advisor, and I was hoping as someone who has been doing this for sometime you might be willing to share your wealth of knowledge with a novice like me.  Linda B.
Hello …

I got your name from a search on the net and would like more information on your spa.  I’m from the Crowsnest Pass and would love to know what packages you offer.  I’d like to bring my daughter as a birthday gift to her.  Her and my birthdays are a couple days apart.    If you could send me some information on what you offer and a price list I’d be totally grateful.  You can mail it to me at:  Judy M.  Coleman, Alberta
Hi Lenore – it was great to meet you last night.  I enjoyed our talk about breath and the reminder that I don’t yet have my breathing to where I consciously breathe in each moment in the most supportive way possible.  I think for me the process of becoming increasingly conscious of breath as well as my body experience will continue for at least a little while longer.   Body-focussed counselling and breathwork are what I teach and work with in my practice because they have been my greatest teachers.    I was very intrigued by your practices as well as the breath work you spoke of.  Please do send me information if you have something that you can email me.   I look forward to connecting again.    Blessings,  N.D.
The following examples taken from a Guest Book which was kept at the front door of my Spa in Kananaskis.

March 9/98 – Melissa – New York – AWESOME!!!!

Feb 3/98  – Jason – Calgary –  The greatest experience of my life …. Relaxing …. I’ll be back for more!

Dec 2/97 – Anne – Calgary – Every woman deserves this pampering, Thank you soooo much!

Oct 6/97 –  Charlotte – A truly relaxing & spiritual experience and BEST MASSAGE I’ve ever had!

July 1/97 – Just what I needed – Jennifer from Indianapolis

April 2/97 –  Awesome – I feel like a million bucks!  Thanks

July 20/95 – Karen from Edmonton – Thank You – I’ve transcended!

Jan 30/95 – Maureen from California – The best and most complete & effective massage I’ve had – Thank You!

Jan 10/95      Excellent – Kay from Swift Current